CHAGA, The Other Magic Mushroom

chaga photo

We first found out about Chaga when my father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2011. A close friend of ours had been working up north in Quebec and had been introduced to this “medicinal mushroom” by the locals of the “Grande Nord.”  chaga on treeWe were fortunate to have been able to harvest Chaga from our own land, fresh and it soon became a family ritual with grandpa & grandsons, chopping, storing, and preparing these precious nuggets of gold. 

Chaga kidsChaga Mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is one of the most widely researched medicinal mushrooms. People all over the world now routinely drink Chaga tea as a means to keep their bodies strong in the cold and flu season.

Chaga is a type of fungus that grows mainly on the bark of Birch trees in cold climates, such as Northern Europe, Siberia, Russia, Korea, Northern Canada and Alaska…Chaga photo 3chaga boiling

The health benefits of Chaga extract have been explored in more than 1,600 scientific papers. Much of this research focuses on the ability of Chaga mushrooms to enhance our immune systems and serve as an anti-oxidant (Glamočlija, 2015).

Chaga is the only mushroom to contain low pH Betulinic Acid which directly targets cancer cells, which are primarily low pH in structure. Also clinically proven to have anti-tumor and tumor-reducing benefits. The anti-cancer properties of Betulin or Betulinic Acid are now being studied as a chemotherapeutic agent. (Used in Russia simultaneously with chemo and believed to lift the liver out of stagnation)  

Interestingly, there is an additional health aspect of Chaga that is actively being explored by scientists. To date, data suggests the capacity for Chaga to fight certain cancers. There are some interesting cell culture and animal studies showing anti-tumor and pro-apoptotic results. I think these reports are intriguing and worth exploring.


ADAPTOGENS are components of herbal medicines that help the body overcome the influences of physical, chemical, or biological stressors

CHAGA shows all the main features of the adaptogen concept (the Royal Medical Society) – it is nontoxic, without harmful side effects, its action is not limited to specific organs or tissues, and has a normalizing effect in general.

Befungin is a concentrated extract from Chaga. It is opaque, very aromatic, and slightly bitter, the taste can be aliked to coffee.

At present, the studies agree that Chaga affects the enhancement and stabilization of carcinogenic cell membranes, thereby preventing their spread in the body. It further reduces the spread of metastases.  When administered with conventional anticancer drugs and in chemotherapy, (Chaga therapy) it helps eliminates their undesirable side effects.

Alternative practitioners believe that Chaga offers numerous health benefits. Among them, Chaga is believed to fight inflammation, lower blood sugar, reduce blood pressure, alleviate arthritis, and even prevent or slow the progression of cancer.

Chaga is rich in fiber and essential nutrients, including vitamin D, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese, and calcium. Chaga’s high melanin content has led some to believe that it can bolster the melanin naturally found in the skin, thereby protecting it from sun damage, skin cancer, wrinkles, or aging.

I find it encouraging that Chaga:

  • Being studied as a chemotherapeutic agent.
  • Clinically proven to have anti-tumor and tumor-reducing benefits.
  • Contains anti-cancer properties of Betulin or Betulinic Acid, ADAPTOGEN

There are many ways to enjoy Chaga, I personally like it dark, strong expresso style. Other like light artisans’ creations like Chaga lattes or ice Chaga. I love Chaga soap (don’t throw your Chaga grounds out!) When traveling abroad I will bring along Chaga Tinctures (concentrated). Whatever your preference, Chaga is one of God’s gifts to us. As promised…He has provided everything for our needs. Let food be thy medicine!  Genesis 1:29 Amen! 

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